
Avon and Somerset Police Crest

Coronavirus (COVID-19): the policing response and what you need to know

How can we help?

  • Report

    Report a crime or incident, such as an accident on the road, lost and found property, or anti-social behaviour.

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    Request access to the personal data and information that we hold, or request assistance with speeding queries.

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    Apply to join a Community Scheme or Watch, browse our jobs and volunteering opportunities or apply for a firearms licence.

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    We value your feedback on our services. Contact us with a compliment or complaint.

  • Victims, witnesses and offenders

    Whether you've been a victim of crime, witnessed a crime or are an offender, advice is available.

  • News

    Read the latest top stories, news for your area, and special appeals.

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  • Rare Saxon coins among items stolen from Crewkerne antiques store

    The burglary happened at the store in Market Street sometime between the evening of Thursday 30 July and 9am the following day.

    Appeals 03 Aug 2020
  • 高匿名ip代理

    Civil enforcement officer assaulted in Glastonbury

    The incident happened in Stonedown Lane at about 11am on Sat 1 August.

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    Did you witness Cheddar Gorge motorcycle collision?

    如何检测代理ip是否高匿-变极ip修改器:2021-6-15 · 如果使用的高级匿名代理IP,网页显示的内容就只有代理IP的地址了,将自己真是的IP 完全隐藏。 相关资讯 如何保护手机安全? 手机安全有多少人重视呢?如今就连公共的手机充电桩都可能有网络病毒,照片也可能骗过人脸识别系统进行支付 ...

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